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Corrugated, boxboard, egg cartons, cereal box, shipping box
Please break down boxes, no pizza boxes, no frozen boxes, no liquid boxes
Bottles and containers that contained food, liquid, soap
No furniture, no bags, no wrap, no siding or trim, no plant pots
Packing foam, food trays (please rinse)
No peanuts, no insulation, no hot tub covers, no film, or blown plastic foam
Cans, pots, pans, hardware, silverware, appliances*
Nothing attached to wood or plastic​​
Mixed mail, newspaper, hard and soft cover books, paper bags
No boxes, no binders, please remove paper clips, no napkins or paper towel
Glass bottles, wine, beer, all colors, vase, lids are ok
No candles, no windows, no pane glass, please rinse out
Looking for more?
Click/tap for appliances, electronics, yard debris, and waste
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